Sample court complaints and discovery requests

Sample court complaints and discovery requests for purchase. Interrogatories, request for production of documents and request for admissions. Discrimination Complaint samples for US District Courts or for formal EEO complaints. Discovery requests during EEOC hearing process.

Sample documents for purchase and download.

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In legal world, it is all about “show and tell” as in a kindergarten. The simpler and the more attention-grabbing the better and more persuasive.  We are not dealing with truth here but with persuasion. To persuade, you must organize facts effectively in such a way that you paint a clear picture for the judge or jury to imagine and to convict. Again, it is all about “show and tell.”

Complaint: Disparate treatment in terms and conditions - cv 0266

Complaint: Disparate treatment in terms and conditions - cv 0266


Complaint: Disparate treatment in terms and conditions - cv 0266

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Complaint: Non selection based on perceived disability and age - cv01451


Complaint: Letter of instruction, performance improvement plan, letter of reprimand-cv22155


Complaint: Terms and conditions of employment - cv00074


Complaint: Removal during probation and hostile work environment-cv07619


Complainant: Hostile work environment, denied reasonable accommodation, termination, negative employment reference:
