
Formal Discrimination Complaint Forms

Department specific formal discrimination complaint form:

  • Note: The forms below are not to be used when contacting the EEO counselor for new (informal) claims. See Informal and Formal EEO process in the federal government.

➤ Dept. of Veterans Affairs:

➤ Dept. of The Air Force:

➤ Dept. of The Army:

➤ General Services Administration:

➤ US Postal Service



  • Mr. Lee is not an attorney but can represent clients in federal administrative processes, including EEOC hearings and MSPB hearings.
  • Mr. Lee does not practice law and cannot provide attorney-client protection privileges.  However, as any union shop steward can, Mr. Lee can represent federal employees at any administrative proceeding including those referenced above.
  • Mr. Lee cannot and does not represent clients at court proceedings.