
Reforming EEOC

Administrative Judges' Pleas for Reforming EEOC

➤ AJ Kathleen Mulligan's oral and written testimony at EEOC's Strategic Enforcement Plan Meeting in 2012:

➤ AJ Mary Elizabeth Bullock's public comment to EEOC on The Federal Sector's Obligation To Be a Model Employer of Individuals with Disabilities:

➤ EEOC Report on the Common Errors in Dismissing the Claims:



  • Mr. Lee is not an attorney but can represent clients in federal administrative processes, including EEOC hearings and MSPB hearings.
  • Mr. Lee does not practice law and cannot provide attorney-client protection privileges.  However, as any union shop steward can, Mr. Lee can represent federal employees at any administrative proceeding including those referenced above.
  • Mr. Lee cannot and does not represent clients at court proceedings.